
International Networking I 中德法社交专场

Sat, 28 Dec 2024 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 28 Dec 2024 23:00:00 GMT+08
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed guests, and distinguished professionals,

    Welcome to the Echo Space and T&T Meetup’s International Networking Event, a sophisticated gathering designed to connect the brightest minds in marketing, branding, public relations, media, e-commerce, trade, cross-border operations, and live-streaming. As we approach the end of another eventful year, we are thrilled to invite you to an evening of networking, insights, and celebration.

    Tonight, we will be bridging cultures and industries as we bring together a diverse group of local and international leaders and professionals from Germany, China, and France. This is more than just a networking event; it’s an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and explore the latest trends shaping our dynamic fields.

    This event is not just about business; it’s about building relationships, discovering potential collaboration opportunities, and expanding your network of high-quality connections in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. So, let’s raise a glass to new beginnings, fruitful partnerships, and a prosperous year ahead.

    Welcome to the Echo Space and T&T Meetup’s International Networking Event. Let the connections begin!


    欢迎参加Echo Space和T&T Meetup的国际交流酒会,这是一个精心设计的聚会,旨在连接市场营销、品牌推广、公关、媒体、电子商务、贸易、跨境运营和直播领域中最聪明的头脑。随着又一个充满事件的年份接近尾声,我们很高兴邀请您参加一个晚上的交流、洞察和庆祝活动。



    欢迎参加Echo Space和T&T Meetup的国际交流酒会。让我们的联系开始吧!

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    Echo Space 俱乐部

    Echo Space 俱乐部

    在上海这座城市的钢筋丛林中,隐藏着⼀个通往未知社交宇宙的神秘⼊⼝,那便是 Echo Space 俱乐部。 这⾥是⽣活⽅式的创意实验室。我们如同好奇的星际探险家,不断尝试、⼤胆创新,把每⼀次社交互 动都化作⼀场奇妙的实验。⽆论是⼀场以世界美⻝为媒介的⽂化融合活动,还是借助AI搭建的交流 会,亦或是在古⽼艺术形式的创意社交派对,展⽰家乡的传统⽂化,古⽼的中医⽂化或者精彩的功夫 技艺,可能都会传播给整个 “宇宙”(俱乐部成员)。 我们不是传统意义上循规蹈矩的俱乐部,⽽是⽣活⽅式的⼤胆⾰新者。在这⾥,你可以摆脱束缚,像 超级英雄发现⾃⼰的超能⼒⼀般,挖掘出⾃⼰在社交与⽣活创造中的⽆限潜能。你将与志同道合的伙 伴们携⼿,共同绘制⼀幅关于未来⽣活与国际社交的绚丽蓝图,每⼀笔都充满惊喜与未知,每⼀次尝 试都是对传统社交和⽣活模式的勇敢挑战。 Echo Space 的主持⼈,他们来⾃20多个不同的国家,有着不同的背景和专业领域,但都怀着对知识分 享和交流的热爱,汇聚于此。⽆论是学术研究的前沿成果,商业实践的宝贵经验,⽂化艺术的独特魅 ⼒,还是个⼈成⻓的励志故事,都能在这⾥找到。

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